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Organisational resilience and success, via cyber security, via RedBelts.

We provide cyber security strategy and solutions, relevant to your organisation and needs.  


Data, technology, and third-party use is fundamental to business. With use, reliance and leverage, comes risk.
Understanding risks is vital for organisations to effectively mitigate and fully capitalise. This isn't easy.
Challenges arise from resource allocation, financial outlay, cybersecurity skill shortages, communication barriers, pressure of missed opportunity and increasing expectations from clients, consumers, and regulators.
This is further complicated by the intrinsic need to:








Understand the risks

Determine what matters Measure potential impact Communicate relevance
No organisation can afford to neglect, or inadequately address data, technology and third-party risks.  
The expectations are onerous, and the consequences significant. Both are indiscriminate. 








Loss Opportunity


Operational Fiscal Regulatory Reputational Lost opportunity
British Library Breach Cyber Event Quantification  Managing cyber security costs in a time of fiscal restraint  Cyber Security Regulatory Developments & Organisation Impacts ALPHV and the SEC  Cyber events and Penance Projects

Why RedBelts

Use Case

Our difference from “traditional” reporting of cyber risk metrics to the board. Standard provision of "scanning numbers" are irrelevant. We instead draw a direct line between the items we are briefing, how it impacts risk and how and why that risk should be mitigated.

Use Case

I.e., scaling up at a time of crisis or when implementing new technologies, and scaling down when not needed. Scale up and down the level of service needed, without worry about the overhead costs and complexity of hiring. 

Use Case

Our holistic approach enables us to deliver expertise that cyber security and resilience are not merely technical matters on the fringes of directors’ duties. Regulatory expectations to ensure risk management frameworks adequately addresses cyber security risk, and that controls are implemented to protect key assets and enhance cyber resilience is a holistic, key driver in our deliver of strategy and solutions. 

Use Case

Smart investment however isn't just a cost centre, a tangible case for better security can be made for delivering more revenue. Does higher security investment make prospective customers more comfortable? Is lack of security making some existing customers leave? If you can shorten that sales cycle and prove that security gained more sales, it can be highly persuasive for the CFO, and the business. “Today, three customers walked away, but tomorrow none will”. 

Our three core service pillars

Underpinned by market leading technical expertise, delivered with a risk management lens, we partner with organisations and implement cyber security strategy and solutions as an integral part of business plans, to support business goals.

We bring a unique capability to deliver leading cyber security and risk management advisory services, in three focus areas:


As your impartial and certified partner, we seamlessly integrate into your organisation, delivering cost-effective and scalable cybersecurity strategies. We embed to fully grasp business dynamics and execute strategy free from internal politics, fear of personal consequences and other complexities.

Our holistic strategy - grounded in technical expertise - fosters resilience, safeguards customer trust, and shields organisations and their leadership from personal liability risks.

Specific services include:

  • CISO-as-a-Service
  • Fiscal Review 
  • Special Projects

Identify, mitigate and monitor contractual and security risks posed by your third-party vendors. Underpinned by our proprietary Radar solution, RedBelts provide end to end TPRM solutions. 

Outsourcing is essential but comes with inherent risks. Resources required to holistically understand, mitigate and monitor this risk are significant, making third party/vendor risk management (TPRM) essential.

Specific services include:

  • Radar
  • RadarReview
  • RadarReview+

Cyber security assessments, vulnerability testing and certification readiness is a key pillar in being resilient in the face of a cyber event.

Offered and delivered not as a fix all solution, rather only where required, relevant and advised, we deliver our findings with quantified likely loss or cost associated with any found vulnerabilities, a true differentiation in today cyber security landscape. 

Specific services include:

  • Cyber Security Assessments
  • Penetration Testing 
  • Certification readiness

Our Partners

Thought Leadership

Contact us

Any time, on any matter, feel free to reach out on your cyber security strategy needs.